Anchor Box Parameters and Bounding Box Overlap Ratios for the Faster R-CNN Detector in Detecting a Single Object by the Masking Background

Vadim Romanuke


Anchor box parameters and bounding box overlap ratios are studied in order to set them appropriately for the Faster R-CNN detector. The benchmark detection is based on monochrome images whose background may mask a small dark object. Three object detection tasks are generated, where every image either contains a small black square/rectangle or does not contain the object, representing thus class “background”. The ratios are recommended to be tried at 0.7 if this class is represented. The ratio for positive training samples is tried at a less value but greater than 0.4 for the task every image of which contains an object. The minimum anchor box size is better to try at a lesser value from a range of object sizes. The anchor box pyramid scale factor and the number of levels are better to try at 2 and 8, respectively. Subsequently, these parameters may be corrected as their influence is fuzzier than that of the ratios.


Anchor box; bounding box overlap ratio; object detection; R-CNN.

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DOI: 10.7250/itms-2018-0002


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