An Exploratory Study of Factors Driving Decision Maker Intentions to Adopt Cloud Computing

Vipin K Agrawal, Vijay K Agrawal, A Ross Taylor, Ngan Chau


United States based companies have invested more heavily in cloud services than companies in other nations. Despite numerous benefits claimed by cloud service providers, many organisations are still uncertain about the implementation of cloud computing. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the factors that are important to the usage adoption decision of this information technology delivery model and the implications for organisations in the United States. Decision makers were surveyed to discover which attributes were important in their determination of cloud computing utilisation. Using a sample of executives from manufacturing and service sectors in the United States, multiple factors contributing to the recent growth in cloud computing have been identified using a factor analysis. Four factors emerged from the data analysis include extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, perceived risks, and resource constraint.


Cloud computing; cloud services; information technology; outsourcing

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DOI: 10.7250/itms-2019-0006


1. Contributing Factors and Trends in the Usage of IT Outsourcing in Manufacturing and Service Sectors
Vipin K Agrawal, Vijay K Agrawal, Ngan N Chau, Sherri Harms
Information Technology and Management Science  vol: 23  first page: 17  year: 2020  
doi: 10.7250/itms-2020-0003


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