Security Aspects of Information Structures in the Information Warfare Context

Pēteris Grabusts


In the modern sense, the concept of information warfare includes the use and management of information and communication technologies to achieve a competitive advantage compared to the opponent. An information warfare is a manipulation with information that trusts a goal without an objective understanding, so that the goal is to take decisions against its own interests in the interests of the opponents. Information structures are considered as systems that produce and process various types of information, provide the storage of information and access to users. Such information structures may include neural networks, adaptive learning systems, etc. They must be prepared to train, respond to threats and ensure the safety of their existence, which is very topical during modern information warfare. This analytical article will cover more theoretical aspects related to the security of information systems from the system theory point of view. Knowledge base of the information structure can be a neural network, in which training should be provided from external threats.The author considers artificial neural networks as one of the potential threats in the context of information warfare.


artificial neural networks; cyberwar; information structures; information warfare; neural networks

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DOI: 10.7250/itms-2018-0007


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