Decomposition of Enterprise Application: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Outlook

Inese Supulniece, Inese Polaka, Solvita Berzisa, Egils Meiers, Edgars Ozolins, Janis Grabis


Enterprise applications are aimed at managing en- terprise operational data and improving business efficiency. Many enterprise applications have been developed over the past three decades, therefore, known as legacy systems. Usually, they are monolith, inflexible, poorly documented and hard to main- tain. The purpose of this paper is to describe best practices and limitations for enterprise application decomposition based on the results of the systematic literature review in order to introduce an approach for enterprise application decomposition. The paper focuses on decomposition of large-scale systems using clustering methods. The investigation is performed as part of the university- industry collaboration research project.


Component identification; decomposition; enter- prise application; literature review; object-oriented; software clustering

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Copyright (c) 2015 Inese Supulniece, Inese Polaka, Solvita Berzisa, Egils Meiers, Edgars Ozolins, Janis Grabis

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