Models and Algorithms for the Reconfiguration of Virtual Enterprise Information System Structure

Andrejs Romanovs, Aleksandrs Trufanovs, Boris Sokolov, Vadim Burakov, Semyon Potryasajev


In this article we will consider existing approaches to solving problems of complex object reconfiguration, as well as combined dynamic model and method of reconfiguring, which is viewed as a virtual enterprise information system. Reconfiguration is a process of the complex technical system structure alteration with a view to increase, keep or restore the level of complex technical system operability, or with a view to compensate for the loss of complex technical system efficiency caused by the degradation of its function. The dynamic interpretation of the processes of complex work planning in virtual enterprise integrated information systems allows describing in strict mathematical terms and comprehensive manner the mutual effect of business processes and information processing, storage, transmission (reception) processes in this system.


Complex object; control systems; dynamic reconfiguration; virtual enterprise

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Copyright (c) 2013 Andrejs Romanovs, Aleksandrs Trufanovs, Boris Sokolov, Vadim Burakov, Semyon Potryasajev

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